Robbers Roost Men’s Group

Group Conscience Minutes: 3/4/2014

Attendance: Ted, Michael G, David, Aaron Craig, Larry M, Jeff, Damon, Mikael, Chris, Larry, Marc, Mark, Mirz

Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer


February minutes approved


Ted (GSR): Attended Feb D24 meeting. Discussion around how to deal with inventory. Questions @ district level from Dec. Looking for homegroups to sponsor treatment center meetings - Mesa Vista mentioned, contact Allison. Assistance needed with document scanning. Will attend March area assembly in Durango.

Michael G. (Treasurer): statement balance as of 2-24-2014: $427.54; check #1022 (Lafayette Masonic

Temple – rent) $250 outstanding; deposit pending ($636.00); prudent reserve ($450); available balance ($613.54); Daniel Memorial Scholarship Fund $160.00. Funding GSR travel to area assembly. Check to Masonic Temple still outstanding, mailing follow-up letter.

Gino (Tue. night GSC): n/a

Jeff (IGR): Inner Group meeting last week: immediate need for treasurer; newsletter “The Message” needs writers; Getting new computers & software at CO. Getting CC processing working at CO on hold pending other work. Discussion about 12 step list committee, committee formed, making progress. Discussion about how some want different lists for different times vs. consolidated 12 step list. Interest in how other groups handle this, Ted to bring up at Area Assembly.

David (website coordinator): Feb minutes uploaded

Larry M. (Archives): Has been announcing questionnaire at meetings. Feedback has been helpful, one individual mentioned RR sponsorship announcement as reason for coming back - it’s working.

Mark (literature rep.): ~20 books expected end of April. 13 people on pre-order list.

Mikael (Thu. night GSC): Consolidated Mon/Wed signup sheet. Only 2 days in April covered at this point.

Marc (Night Watch): Night Watch Coordinator open position. Marc over commitment.

Craig (PIR): New committee leader active. Position for PIR open, add to open positions list.

Dave (Phone list): mailing copies out to those indicating they want copies. Added nightwatch column.

Damon (Tue Coffee/Setup/Cleanup): all is well

Chris (Tue. night coffee): Need more tea.

Old business: 1) get RR group 12th step list and contact sister carmen for 12th step list (complete)

New business: 1) Ted asked if RR will do bid for 2015 spring assembly. We will present bid, Harvest House. 2) Follow up letter to Masonic Temple about outstanding check. 3) Aaron update open positions 4) Mikael offered up computers if needed, Ted will bring to District.

Open Service Positions: CPC; Grapevine rep.; Thu. night coffee/clean-up

Action Items:

- Aaron update open positions
- Michael send letter to Masonic Temple about outstanding check