Robbers Roost Men’s Group

Group Conscience Minutes: 10/1/2013

Attendance: David, Michael G., Mirz, Craig, Larry K., Jeff, Mark, Chris

Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer


September minutes approved with minor revisions


Ted (GSR): n/a

Michael (Treasurer): copy of Treasurer’s report provided: statement balance as of 9-24: $1086.15; checks outstanding: CK#1022 Lafayette Masonic Temple Ass. ($250), CD#1023 Area 10 Corrections Comm., CK#1027 Area10 $31.11; prudent reserve $450.00; pending deposits- $498.50; available balance $498.50; Daniel Memorial Scholarship Fund - $15 donated specifically for this purpose.

Larry K. (IGR): term expired I August; one of Boulder Country volunteer coordinators; working to setup email aliases; reaching out to other groups – importance to make commitment; voicemail to change to have more info; rent increase at Boulder 1, groups struggling; Jen (The Message) – sobriety dates; New Year’s dance – volunteers; planning committee meeting set up 10/05); passed around Central Office Volunteer apps.

Gino (Tue. night GSC): n/a

Mikael (Thu. night GSC): n/a

Marc (Night Watch): n/a

Craig (PIR): in the process of restocking literature rack for Sister Carmen; put cards there; adjust cards to reflect change in Thu. night meeting.

Dave (Phone list): n/a

Damon (Thu. night gate keeper; Coffee/Setup/Cleanup): n/a

David (website coordinator): Sept. minutes uploaded to website, all is well.

Ari (Tue. night coffee): n/a

Larry (archives): n/a

Old business: 1) voted to dissolve Grapevine chair position in D24; 2) Ari stepped down from Alt-GSR position – David (while interested) will not be able to take it on; 3) voted to move Thu. night meeting to Tue. night meeting location; 4) have a new ‘temporary’ position starting Nov 1st: stand at Sister Carmen location before the meeting to inform people of the new meeting location; 5) Mirz updated service position documents and added Daniel Memorial Scholarship Fund to the meeting script

New business: 1) Mark voted in as literature rep; 2) Chris voted in for Tue. coffee position; 3) Jeff voted in as our new IGR; 4) change the script from “silence your phones and pagers” to “silence your phones”;

Open Service Positions: CPC; Grapevine rep.; Alternate GSR.

Action Items: announce at Thu night meeting we would move – vote next GSC; Mirz to update service position documents and meeting script as per our discussion at GC.