Roost Men’s Group
Group Conscience Minutes:
Attendance: Ben, Ken, Michael,
Ted, Dave, Don, Craig, Larry
- Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer
- Intros
- June Minutes approved with edits
Did not
attend District Meeting. Will attend and share our redistribution of funds with
Central Office.
- Don(Intergroup): Did not attend Intergroup
meeting. Forgot to bring Intergroup minutes.
- Larry(GSC): Suggests that we verify attendance at CO
phones coverage. Larry to call 2 days prior to remind.
- Ken(Treasurer): Funds are good to cover
GSR assembly and picnic.
- Michael(Coffee/Setup): we need more coffee.
Look to reducing to single pot during summer.
- Craig(Cake/Phone List
Coordinator): uptick in cake quality.
Mike/Craig are going to share verifying the phone list (AI).
- Ben B.(Secretary/Website Coordinator):
will update web-site with updated minutes.
Old Business:
- Don: Picnic planning. Don to bring
grill. Ken to bring burgers and condiments and buns. Ted on hot dogs and buns.
Tim will bring tables. Don to
bring drinks. Ken to bring plates, utinsels, etc.
New Business:
Open Service Positions:
- Craig stands for CPC: accepted unanimous.
- Tim stands for Archives: accepted unanimous.
- Open Positions: Alt GSR, GrapeVine, PI, Treatment,
Action Items:
- Don: update the list of open positions
- Don: provide descriptions of all service positions to be
posted on web-site (Ben)
- Craig: Mike/Craig are going to share verifying the phone