Robbers Roost Men’s Group

Group Conscience Minutes: 2/1/2011


Attendance: Ben B., Dave W., Larry, Michael G., Ben C., Jerry, Craig, Rob, Don

-          Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer

-          Intros



-          Dave(GSR): Attended recent District Meeting and gave report at the next Robbers Roost meeting during announcements.  He said there were still plenty of open district positions and is taking back 12th step list from group back to district.

-          Don(Literature/Intergroup): Gave report on December Intergroup meeting where they discussed combining 12th step, Central Office, and Nightwatch lists.  He also mentioned the Message has new volunteers and is being revamped and sit-in Intergroup Treasurer is filing for reprieve to get taxes in order.

-          Larry(Clean-up): nothing new to report.

-          Ryan(GSC): not present.

-          Ken(Treasurer): not present.

-          Michael(Coffee/Setup): nothing to report.

-          Mike R.(Phone List Coordinator): not present.

-          Ben B.(Website Coordinator): will be posting Volunteer pdf and Dec./Jan. notes ASAP.


Old Business:

  1. Craig has talked to owner of meeting building and owner removed some things from meeting room in order to make more space for us.    
  2. Group discusses getting together to clean meeting space on 3rd mtg. of each month.  Motion is put forward, voted on, and passed by group. Closed
  3. Mike R. volunteers to stand for group Phone List Coordinator and group unanimously votes him in to position.


New Business:

  1. Don volunteers to stand for open Intergroup position, motion is put forward, voted on, and passed to have him step into the position.
  2. Don puts motion forward to create a group P.I. coordinator position, it is seconded and passed.
  3. Group discusses editing format to have place for announcing open positions.
  4. Robbers Roost have a motion forwarded, seconded, and passed to create positions of CPC, Corrections, PI, Archives, and Treatment to serve group.


Open Positions: Intergroup(Don S. has filled), P.I., CPC, Corrections, Treatment,  Archives, Grapevine Rep., and Alt. GSR


Action Item: Announce open positions all month until next group conscience meeting and add to agenda.