Robbers Roost Men’s Group

Group Conscience Minutes: 1/4/2011


Attendance: Ken C., Dave W., Mike, Larry, Michael G., Ben C., Kelly

-Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer




-          Dave(GSR): Attended recent District Meeting where he made motion once again to be reimbursed for Area Assembly dinner he paid for, it was passed, and he was reimbursed.  He also reported that there are many district service positions open.

-          Jerry(Intergroup): not present

-          Don(Literature): Not present, he attended Intergroup mtg. in place of Jerry.

-          Larry(Clean-up): nothing new to report.

-          Ryan(GSC): not present.

-          Ken(Treasurer): nothing new to report.

-          Michael(Coffee/Setup): nothing to report.

-          Kelly(Phone List Coordinator): updated phone list on January 1st and brought copies.

-          Ben B.(Website Coordinator): not present.


Old Business:

     1.           Dave will not ask Robbers Roost for the rest of Area Assembly dinner/food

                   Money he is still owed and will wait and see what the District decides next

                   month after putting forth a motion to be reimbursed by them instead. Closed


     2.           Group discusses Central Office manager needing info and rapport with   Group/GSC about the central office commitment.  Larry volunteers to     modify our Monday night Central Office commitment list with just the volunteers’ first name and date they’ve signed up for, make it into a PDF file, and email it to Ben B.  Ben B. will

 then post it to Robbers Roost website.  Motion was put forth and

 unanimously passed.  Closed            


New Business:


1.                  Group discusses getting together at some point and cleaning, rearranging meeting space.  Group makes motion to do clean-up following the 3rd meeting of every month.  Motion passes and meeting chair will make announcement next week.

2.                  Group discusses, makes motion, and passed decision that Craig talk to owner of the building about organizing/rearranging meeting space.

3.                  Mike R. volunteers to stand for the group Phone List Coordinator.  Group unanimously votes him in.