Robbers Roost Men’s Group

Group Conscience Minutes: 10/5/2010


Attendance: Craig B., Don S., Ken C., Ben B., Ryan, Curt, Michael, Ben C.

-Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer




-          Craig(GSR): Dave W.(Alt. GSR) attended in his place and reported there were open service positions: District Committee Chair, Treas., and Sec.

-          Jerry(Intergroup): not present

-          Don(Literature): will bring more supplies next week

-          Larry(Clean-up): not present

-          Ryan(GSC): nothing new to report.

-          Ken(Treasurer): Paying quarterly payments this month.

-          Michael(Coffee/Setup): nothing to report.

-          Kelly(Phone List Coordinator): not present

-          Ben B.(Website Coordinator): Posted Aug. min. and will post Sept. min along with various other updates to website.


Old Business:


New Business:


1.                  Dave  wants to discuss with group about possibly helping sponsor a dinner at the Area Assembly for 300 people on Saturday Nov. 5,2010 at Millennium Harvest House in Boulder.  Group puts forth motion to apply $200.00 prudent reserve+$100.00 in pursuit of helping sponsor the dinner with another group.  Motion is seconded and unanimously passed by the group.



Action Items:


-          Craig writing of our group’s history.  He is still collecting info.



Closed Action Items(10/5/2010):

-          Don to Identify Group donation discrepancy with Area Assembly report

and get payment details with RR Group number to Ken in Sept. for Oct.

pay out.  He found the missing checks and will give all the necessary stuff to Ken.