Robbers Roost
Men’s Group
Conscience Minutes
-Brief Reports:
Craig (GSR)- Recently attended the Area Assembly and brought back various literature. He mentioned the issues the Area is discussing for Delegate to take back to GSO which were as follows:
1. Anonymity on the Internet
2. New Public Service Announcements
Jerry (Intergroup Rep.)- reported from the most recent Intergroup Mtg. that they are cracking down on accessibility to Central Office and are making sure everyone is trained correctly to volunteer there.
Don (Treasurer)- Craig subbed in for Don and collected the money and noticed we are a little short and will delay disbursement for another month.
Larry (Clean-up)- Donated some new dishwasher detergent.
Rich (Group Services Coordinator)- Starting new Central Office sign-up sheet for May.
Ken (Literature Rep.)- Nothing to report.
Old Business: None
New Business:
1) Group elected Ben C. to Secretary position.